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Reading Instruction

First Grade reading instruction includes Readers Workshop, Guided Reading, and Independent Reading.

Readers Workshop teaches habits of readers and provides time to practice. 30 minutes a day.

Guided Reading is teaching a specific reading skill, and using skills to read the words with books. 20 minutes a day.

Independent Reading is a combination of both. Students choose books at their independent reading level, as well as books that are just chosen for enjoyment. 40 - 60 minutes a day.

Guided Reading

Choose a book that is on your student's instructional level. This means that your learner can almost read all the words, but will have to use a strategy to decode (sound-out), or need to talk to you about the content!

Each of these links provide multiple books at the designated reading level, a lesson plan for you to follow, and any comprehension questions to support learning.

Please reach out to Mrs. Terlop for recommendations as to which books to pick for your learner if you would like guidance.  The goal for first graders is to be reading, comprehending, and writing about a Level J by May! 

What does each 'level' of reader look like in action? See here! 

Readers Workshop

Choose one teaching point a day. Spend 10 minutes talking about it, finding examples of it online or in text. Then, send your learner off to try to find his/her own version of this independently.


Here are research teaching points.

Researchers think about what they already know about a topic and the additional information they want to learn.

Researchers ask questions about a topic and use text and text features to answer those questions.

Researchers think about the questions their readers might have.

Researchers do not plagiarize. Researchers write down the big ideas that are interesting - not the whole page.


Here are fictional teaching points.

I can identify the theme of a story.

Retell stories and events, using beginning, middle, and end in a sequential order.

 I can listen and respond to a variety of print and media materials by identifying characters, setting, and important events.

 I can listen and respond to a variety of print and media materials by making and confirming predictions.


After your learner tries independently - call them back and debrief. What went well? What did he/she learn? How is this important for him/her as a student? 


Independent Reading 

In first grade, readers are working on building stamina. for 40 minutes, Your learner has the ability to read and write about reading. Writing about reading can be:

1.  Retelling Beginning, Middle, End of the book

2.  Identifying the following plot elements: Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then of the story

3. Creating thought bubbles and dialogue bubbles for characters who do not already have them.

4. Boxes and Bullets note taking (main idea and supporting details of non-fiction books)

5. Using post it notes to write down what the book makes you think of!


The last 20 minutes is for partner reading! This is a time to practice reading aloud and oral fluency with your positive feedback. Re-reading to change voice to fit the mood is a powerful teaching point.

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Please know that students are not told their level of reading in our classroom. Readers are allowed to open any book they find. These resources are specifically being provided for parent reference during distance learning, so that parents have an entry point to instruction. 

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Mini Lessons and Videos

Reading Strategies 

Lessons and Videos

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