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Engaging Learners Around the Globe


Connecting with learners and educators around the world is not only vital for creating a classroom culture of inclusion and connectivity, but it also invites new perspectives to daily activities and lessons. Belouga is a platform for both educators and students that create this connectivity.


From an educator viewpoint, Belouga is a website that allows for teacher-to-teacher connection across the globe. A place for lesson sharing, videos of classrooms, and community, Belouga makes the world a little bit smaller for educators who are looking for community support. On the student side of Belouga, scholars answer nearly 80 questions about themselves and their preferences and are then paired with a scholar across the globe. Think “intentional digital pen-pals.” The extensive and deliberate pairing process allows students to meet a similarly minded peer across the globe, and reinforces the idea that although we are different and far away, we are all growing in a learning community.

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